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Short post

It's a week to due date. Not that it matters now the induction is booked, but it felt odd NOT posting something this week given I have every Saturday for... well a long time :oD

It's also my mother-in-laws birthday today: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE! Sorry I've not been able to present you with a new grandchild for your birthday, we'll have to consider him/her a belated gift when they finally show up.

Although, this is a good point for me to record some last details. Like my weight. I am 15 stone 11lb this morning, so that's 221 lb. A total pregnancy gain of exactly 20lb, which for some one of my size pre-preg is pretty good! Especially since I have been tarred with this GD brush (I've got an apt thought the post today for the 16th June to test me and see where I am post preg). I'm recording that on my Weight Watchers page and I guess it wont change now until I've had Baby.... And then the fun starts! Ha! Time to get trim, stay happy & balanced, and make healthy milk for my baby.

I've asked Mark to take one last Bump photo on Wed morning before we set off for the hospital which I'll try to post before I go. I'm tempted to get the tape measure round my belly too, just to see how big I've actually managed to get! I feel MASSIVE!

Gah! I'm going to TRY not to post random pointless posts for the next 4 days. I've said pretty much everything there is to say about this preg now. It's just that now it's pretty much the only thing on my mind! Even when I think about Mark and Jack etc it's almost always in context of the pregnancy, the birth, the baby.... I suppose it's only natural. I am about to undergo a huge life change, not to mention one of the most dangerous things a body can do. But I hate it when people only have one theme of conversation.... and that's exactly what's happened to me these last few weeks and months.

I am hereby BANNING myself from posting between now and ... lets say Tuesday (because by then I'll be flipping out and will NEED to vent!) Unless baby turns up early or something ;op


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