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Catch up

Never a moments rest in this place! Since my last post we've all had - and recovered from - a D&V bug that went round Jack nursery so badly they had to shut for a day to decontaminate! I managed to blow a whole months tax credits on Christmas presents. The car went through its MOT and service (with change from £200). I might have bagged a place in the boss's new company (please please please!)
Oh... And I'm 20 weeks preg today too!
I had my 16 week midwife appointment late (18+6) and Smudge would not hold still long enough to get a heart beat reading on the doppler, but is clearly fit and well coz me and the middy both found loads of movement. 
I get my gender scan on Monday, and my gd clinic appt on Wednesday. Really hoping we (I) get to know what sex Smudge is! I'd LOVE a girl this time but can't help thinking we have our 3rd baby boy in here and that's pretty special too. Hubby still wants it to be a surprise so like with Tom I won't be publicly broadcasting Smudge's gender.
Smudge is kicking hard enough to be felt on the outside now! In the last week Mark felt Smudge for the first time when he was talking to my tummy and baby came over and pushed against his forehead, then shuffled down his nose to get closer to his voice! Very emotional moment! A couple of days later and I was sat having a cuddle on the settee with Jack & Tom when Jack asked what was that in my tummy... Smudge had booted him! Tom's not quite got to grips with the baby-in-mummys-tummy but copies everything big bro does so even he is stroking and tickling Smudge through my belly!
My sciatica seems to have eased up now so that's good. It does mean I can get back on with some housework. He's done his best, bless him, but he's not as organised as a woman and laundry & pots have been backing up - and he's not been near to bathroom cleaning stuff or hoover! Still, at least he's tried which is more than many men would have done!


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