Ooooh! 2 weeks today till the implant comes out! 1 week till I start the pill! Wont deny I have a knot of nervous tension in my tummy thinking about it! It was Georgie's birthday last week and his party on the weekend. My littlest one is growing up, although he is still being breastfed and showing no signs of giving up. I can't help but wonder what difference that's going to make to our TTC. I'm not not wanting to wean him JUST so we can have another baby, he will likely self wean as my milk changes if/when I get on in my pregnancy - and if not I'll try to tandem feed. I enjoy feeding him, he enjoys me feeding him, and neither of us are ready to stop just yet. I'm hoping that the surge I should get from coming off the implant and pill will out weigh the effect of him still feeding. It is only 2-3 times a day after all, and other women get pregnant while BF (a friend from the school run still BF her 2yo and is expecting now). I know other people wean their babies to TTC. It was in the back of my mind when I stopped offering Tom his BF that we wanted to try for George, but he was ready to stop. He only fed from me because I offered, he didn't ask, so a week after his 1st birthday he'd stopped bf from choice (and BANG I was up the duff VERY soon after). George still asks. Because we're both still happy to continue I don't want to have to stop! If it does have an affect on my fertility I'm not sure which way I'll lean......
Me, The Hubby and our Four Monsters! Sleepless nights, dirty nappies, tantrums, and tears. But also adventures, fun, laughter, and a whole lot of love! Not every day is easy, but every moment is precious. Welcome to My Life as Mumma Walker!