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Who knew it was potato week?? I didn't, not until a few days ago when I saw the #MarisPiperBritMums Linky Challenge on BritMums. I just HAD to jump on the band wagon! We love spuds in this house! Chips, mash, roasties, you name it, we love it!

So here are a few of our best loved potato dishes!

The Humble Chip!

Do you need a recipe for chips? No! But here are my tips.
Cut them nice and fat and chunky, don't be precious about it, they can be a bit rough!
Soak the chips in some cold water for at least 5 mins, ideally 10 mins, then drain and pat dry.
We use a deep fat fryer, set to 180 degrees C and only drop the chips in at temp.
Keep an eye on the temp, every time it drops below 180 take the chips out, give them a shake, and put them back when the temp is up again.
Repeat this last step until they are a light golden brown, then lift out of the oil but keep them in the fried for a couple of minutes before serving (pat dry on kitchen paper if oily)
They should be crispy on the outside, soft on the inside,and tasty all the way through. Serve with lashings of vinegar and milled sea salt.

Orange Mash (serves 6 with a main meal)

My kids love this stuff and its a great way to get a few extra veggies inside them too if you have a fussy eater. This is really simple, and can be used as part of a main meal, like sausage and mash, or to top a cottage or shepards pie etc.


4 medium sized potatoes
3 medium/large carrots
3 medium sweat potatoes
1/2 a small swede
1 tbs butter
100-150mls milk
Nutmeg to taste
Salt & pepper to taste


Peel, chop and boil the roots together in salted water until tender, then drain.
Mash them together and add the butter (you could use cream cheese instead)
Slowly add the milk and whisk the mash with a metal spoon until you reach a texture you like.
Season to taste.


Hubby and I disagree on how to start this, I like to par boil my wedges before baking them, he doesn't. Both taste nice so try both and see what you think!


Use 1-2 medium potatoes per person.
1-2 tbs oil
Garlic granuals
Peel and slice into wedge shapes, not too thin.
Par boil for 4-5 mins if you wish, then drain & pad dry.


Heat 1-2 tbs of oil in a baking try
Add the potatoes and shake about a bit (carefully) to coat them in the hot oil.
Sprinkle on paprika, oregano and garlic to taste, toss them about in the oil again to coat.
Shove in the oven n a high shelf for 20mins or until golden and crispy.

Potato Octopus

This was a fab little dish I made with my 3yo earlier this year, and well worth another share for Potato Week!


6 medium sizes potatoes
100 ml whole milk
50g butter
1 large tin of peas & carrots (or 200g fresh peas & 3 medium carrots)
Chorizo for decoration


Peal potatoes and slice in half lengthwise, boil of approx 15 mins
Meanwhile cook the peas & carrots
Once to potatoes start to turn soft, drain and choose some pieces to use as octopus heads
Heat the milk & butter and add the remaining potatoes. Mash!
Place a "head" on each plate and use an icing bag with the largest round nozzle to pipe out the 8 tentacles.

Use a dab of mash to stick two chorizo eyes on the heads.
Drain the peas and carrots, use peas to decorate the tentacles as "suckers"

This post is an entry for #MarisPiperBritMums Linky Challenge ( sponsored by Potato Council for Potato Week 7 – 13 October, celebrating the varieties of potatoes and how we like to eat them. Learn more and find recipes at


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