Hiya again I know I'm slack with this thing, but i never seem to have time to do anything with it any more - plus we're down to just the on PC at home and Yorkie's pinched it (grr) so I never get to do this at home any more. BUT as I'm sat here on my lunch break at work I thought I'd do a quick entery It's been an odd old time lately. Yorkie was made redundant the first day back at work after XMas and New Year, apparently due to "company restucturing".... It seems that Craig Property don't need an admin assistant. Funny how they'd filled his job again less than two weeks later.... Oh, and Mary (who he used to work with, and who does - erm - did - the same job at the sister company across the road, MK Properties) got fired last friday. They'd advertised her job two weeks ago, and are trying to fit her up for fraude. Now, I know she not not my most favorit person in the whole world (grum grum grum) but that's still pretty shitty. Oh... an
Me, The Hubby and our Four Monsters! Sleepless nights, dirty nappies, tantrums, and tears. But also adventures, fun, laughter, and a whole lot of love! Not every day is easy, but every moment is precious. Welcome to My Life as Mumma Walker!