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All I want to do is WORK!

WOMAN AT WORK Only I'm not, am I?

As I'm sure you all know, I am having issues with my former boss. I still do freelance for him, but I am constanty having to fight to get my work done. Not because I don't want to do it, but because (I have a good feeling) a certain person doesn't want me working for him at all, and is whispering about me. He is already in a state of paranoia, and has never been good at confronting people he has a problem with. Right now, he has a problem with me. I know this because he is avoiding me!

As if I'd bite him or anything! Really, Glenn, we used to be FRIENDS for gods sake!

Anyway, he finally got round to emailing me tonight about the stuff I've been sending him for the last two weeks. This is my reply. There's a whole lot of work stuff you don't need to get, so I've cut that out. It's this bit that's important. Sorry if it's all out of line. It didn't like being cut-n-past'ed! It needed to be said. I'll let you know if I get a responce!

We need to have a paypal account attached
to the web site,
one which I can access. If you don't want me to use the one
that we have that's
fine, but I do need to have access to one if you want me
to pack orders. And I
need to be able to always have some money in that
account for times when we
cannot complete customers orders, other wise we
end up overdrawn. Without access
to a paypal account I am prevented from
selling anything, let alone packing
anything we have sold. Switching payment
to another account is not a problem for
me, and will not mean the web site
is out of action, so long as there is some
where for the payments to go. I
can't set that up with out your card details,
and I think it would be better
if you did that your self any way rather than
hand out your card details (no
one likes doing that after all).

On a more personal note, am I right in
thinking that you don't really want me
involved in the selling and packing
of orders any more? I know you said you
wanted me to focus on the web site
alone, but is that the whole of the web site,
including the sales, or just
the design and up-keep? At the moment, like I said
before, I have been taken
off ebay, am prevented from making any sales, and I do
not have access to
the one thing that will allow me to make sales; paypal. With
our not seeing
each other I do not get chance to discuss any of this with you,
and I need
to know where I stand with you and with Micro Markets. I can still do
of what I used to do, ebay etc, and I have time allocated to Micro Markets
every week where I can do these things. If you don't want me to do anything
other than the web site, let me know so I can take on more work else

I'll be in your office in the morning. Hopefully I'll see
you then. If not, please email me back about these things so I can get on
some more work for you, you are paying me after all!


One Hour Later:

Hi Charlie

Paypal password has not been changed
again!!!!!!!!!! It's same as before.

I would
like you to concentrate on website in its entirety, selling, packing,
advertising, marketing, designs, etc,etc etc. EVERYTHING including
paypal. - I want to play about with Ebay only.

Go ahead
with the advertising you suggest.

Start your pay for clicks with
current keywords, we will ammend as we go along.

Cheers, Glenn

It seems that some one else changed the password..... Mmm.... *new things tick through mind* Do I believe him? Is he fibbing? Is some one else tampering *I wonder who*, or is i an amazing co-inc-i-dinc???


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