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Anti Social

I'm feeling crabby. Also, very anti social. And bloated. And generally hacked off.

Me and Yorkie are talking again. He got us a curry for take away last night which was great because we've not had a take away curry for ages, and we got some DVDs out from Blockbusters. Skeleton Key (pretty good horror type), Dark Water (watching that tonight) and the Incredibles (hee hee hee!). I'm still pissed off with him, but there's nothing I can say or do which will change what has happened, and I doubt I'll ever prevent it from happening again. It's not a big enough deal to throw him out over, so I guess I'll have to just deal with it. Doesn't mean he'll get out my being in a bad mood with him or my taking the piss out of him though!

Today's been a really slow day for me. No motivation again. I've Simmed for a bit and that pretty much it. Yorkie finishes work in an hour and I really can't be bothered to go and pick him up. It seems like a lot of effort today! But I'll go and get him, in the long run it'll be easier than NOT picking him up.

Debs has been trying to call me today. Dunno why.... My mobile's been downstairs out of ear shot, but when I went to get it before she's logged as a missed call like 3 times! I wonder if Yorkie's been telling her about the other night? Maybe she wanted to take the piss out of him with me, or maybe she just knows we've had a spat and wants to know why. Or maybe she just wanted a chat.... Well, what ever the reason, I'm sure she'll be there when I go to pick him up so I'll find out what she wants then. I suppose it could be something about their XMas do, that would make sence I guess. But in truth I'm not in the mood to talk to any one - which is why I've not called her back. If she's not there when I go to pick Yorkie up I'll send her a text and say sorry for missing her calls, see what she wants.

I got an email from Kate (Yorkie's mum) about Christmas. That was humerous. I just love the way she signs off! It was an email she sent to us all, and it finishes:

Ma, Kate, Mum, Daft Old Bat
However you know me ; )

I've printed it off for Yorkie rather than just replying to it right off. I think he ought to just call her, but it'll be a job and a half to get him to pick up the phone! He'll have to do something though. At the moment we have no idea where we're staying when we get there for Christmas! Jenny thinks we're with her, and Kate think's we're with her! Normally we stay with Jenny and Tony, but Tony's got his own place now so I don't know what we'll be doing. It'll be interesting staying with Kate, I don't know her all that well yet, so that might be nice. But that said, I know where I am at Jenny's and wont get as nervous if I'm there.... Well see. I'm happy either way.

I'm just not in the mood for anything right now though. Nothing makes me happy. Nothing entertains me. I don't want to do anything, and yet I'm boared the whole time. I know it's just because it's winter, but GOD! I'm SO fed up! We still haven't put the tree and decs yet. If I can talk him into doing that tonight that'll be something. Maybe if I feel a bit more festive I'll cheer up? And if not, I think I'll just go to sleep. He can wake me up when It's time to visit people for Christmas!



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