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Wish me look, first WW WI of 2006!

My first official 2006 weigh in at Weight Watchers! I don't want to go! According to my scales I am now about 11 stone 4 or 11 stone 5, which is better than they said this time last week, but..... This is the first time I get on the official scales and have my weight recorded for real. And I really really don't want to do it!
On the up side I did finish off the last of the chocolate in the house last night. And I wont be buying any! Christmas always means tons of chocs and I will admit that I had a lot of fun troffing them all before my first WI, but eating them does mean that I will not have lost a whole lot of weight..... if any!
The sensible thing to do would be to feed them all to Yorkie, or give them away, as there is no way I can resist them if they are in the house. I'm very good at not buying them, but if they are there I can hear them calling to me all day and all night! "eat me, eat me, eat me!"
I'm going to start keeping my tracker again too. I've not done it at all cince the last meeting, so I have no idea how much food I have had, or how far over my points I have gone. I know it's LOTS! If I stick to my points, and stick to my excersize plan the weight should (SHOULD) start falilng off again.
GOD I hope so! I feel so close to packing it in!
I din't go to the gym once this week like I had planned. My excuse? "Oh, it might not be open yet because of the holidays" when clearly it WAS open. OK, so the pool is still shut, but the gym is open and I should have gone. And I didn't. I convinced myself there were other things that needed to be done, like getting my business up and running again, only I find that most of my suppliers ARE still on holiday till Monday. And I STILL didn't go!
Slack as fuck!
I will HAVE to force myself to get going this coming week. I am still paying for the membership and it would be down right DUMB not to go when I'm spending the money every month!
So here's my NEW plan (if I stick to it!)
Andrea fancies the Aqua Fit, and so do I. That's on a Monday at 11am. I think it's included in my membership, but I'll have to double check on that on.
  • Monday - Aqua Fit & Sauna (From 11am)
  • Wednesday - Gym & Sauna (From 9am)
  • Friday - Swim & Sauna (Swim from 12 noon)
I'll have to make sure that monday class is still running though, as Salt Ayre have a habit of canceling classes and not up dating the web site, and I'll have to see if Andrea is free and willing to come to it. The hard one to stick to will be fridays swim, as that means going back out of the house. So does monday, but if I'll be meeting Andrea so that's not so bad. Wednesday will be a piece of cake becasue I'll just go right after dropping Yorkie off at work.
I'm going to have to do something though, as apart from wanting to loose weight, I want to tone up. It's all very well weighing less, but if I have saggy flappy skin afterwards I'll still feel like shit! I want to be slim, healthy, and nice to look at! That's not asking too much is it?


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