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Our Anniversary!!!!

Yes ladies and gents, as of today Yorkie and I have been together for 5 whole years, and have been engaged for one of them!

It seems like no time at all, and yet at the same time, like I've known him all my life. Strange, isn't it? But very very nice!!!

Yorkie's got the day off work today, so first thing this morning I gave him my gift - David Gilmore CD he's been after ever since he first heard about it months ago - and them we headed into town to do the shopping for my gift.... I lovely long pic-nic lunch in the Trough of Bowland!

I've been begging Yorkie to come and have a pic-nic with me for years! I love pic-nics but know he's not keen. He bought a cool box, some coolers to put in it, a range of sandwich fillers, snacks, dips, and fruit juices, packed up the lunch and off we went!

It's such a lovely day too, so warm and hardly any breeze at all! We found a nice spot by a stream, far enough away from the sheep to eat out sandwiches without having them pilfered by the food snaffling wooley ones, munched, sunbathed and chattered. we stayed out for a good couple of hours before it started to get too hot, and then we had a drive round and stopped at the Jubilee Tower for some photos and then came back home.

He's also bought a stack of DVDs and some PC games for us both (inc another Sims mini expansion just for me! Weee!), we had thought about going out for dinner, but with still half the pic nic stuff to wade through we thought we might as well stay in - and to be honest, we could have dinner out any time. It's not often he gets a day off work on a sunny day and actually wants to go outside for fun (he's in the elements all day every day at work) so to me the pic-nic was more important and more impressive than any restraunt meal!

We're both having a quick play with our new games, and then we're settling in for a cozy night of movies and snuggling! Bliss!


tendy said…
sweet, sweet~~
Rainypete said…
Good for you two. It's funny when you're in a good relationship. You can't really think of time before them. Good news on the pic-nic. I love them as well. I don't know what it is about eating outside, but it's spectacular. Happy 5th and enjoy many many more you two.

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