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Thought this bit was over!

Yorkie keeps referring to me as his 'little incubator' which while being quite sweet... doesn't actually help how I feel! Although in all fairness I have been feeling loads better this last few days. It's just today I feel horrible again.

I woke up being all snotty again and sneezing everywhere (something that has been happening for weeks and I'm just about used to) but I felt grim in my belly as soon as I got out of bed.

We'd run out of milk yesterday and forgot to pick any more up so before taking Yorkie to work today all I had was a cup of black tea, knowing I'd be able to pick up some milk on the way home so I could have some breakfast before going to work myself this afternoon. The tea did not settle well without the milk. I used to always have my tea and coffee black...

Then, on the way to taking him to work, we had to call in at the petrol station as I was well into the red. Petrol stations make me gip at the moment so I was feeling even worse by the time I'd filled up and paid.

No more than 1 mile up the road from the petrol station I stared to get that feeling... you know the one. Stomach lurching, acid in your mouth... and I just KNEW I was going to be sick!

Poor Yorkie has not actually seen or heard me being sick since I've been pregnant, so when I had to slam on the brakes and pull over into a lay-by on the A6 he didn't really know what to do. I did! I dived out of the car and my cup of tea make it's second appearance of the day! When I got back into the car he was ready with tissues and gum! And the most worried and pained expression I've ever seen him with!

I felt so much better afterwards though, and now that I'm back home I have had some proper breakfast, and a cup of tea WITH milk and I feel fine again. A little tired and wishing I wasn't working this afternoon because all I want to do it go back to bed, but generally ok.


Born Worrier said…
Congratulations on your wonderful news, I was given the gift of a little niece last year. You have some truely wonderful times ahead. Do you have a name for him/her yet ?

P.S Sorry about the sickness though. Not nice.
MummaWalker said…
We have two in mind, we've had them for years! Rosie for a girl and Jack for a boy.

:0) can't wait!
Born Worrier said…
What lovely names, there are some quite strange ones doing the rounds these days but I really like Rosie & Jack.

Wait until you get your first smile from them, it melted my heart when my little niece smiled at me.

She is teething now and biting everything she can get her hands on. Including fingers. Ouch!!

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