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Midwife... Finally!

So today we actually got in to see the midwife, for the first time in 2008!

The Thursday appointment we should have had week ago was cancelled, and then I couldn't get one for the Tuesdays that me and Yorkie both have off work. We're 30 weeks gone now and really need to see the midwife for blood tests and so on, and also I have started to get swollen hands and feet which is probably normal, but I want to ask and make sure.

Yesterday, just as I was about to leave work, the midwife called me to find out why we hadn't been to see her so I explained that the receptionist had kept telling me that she was booked up unless it was a first appointment. So she said I should call the midwife in duty today and ask to be allowed to call in at the end of the day. So I did, and she did, and then asked me to let the receptionist know. Receptionist clearly did not want to let me have it, telling me that there were already appointments booked for 3.30 today (the slot we were given) but eventually had to let me come as the midwife herself had given me the appointment. HA!

She did my blood pressure and there's nothing wrong with that. She took three doobies of blood for tests (dunno what tests, forgot to ask). Tested my pee - higher than normal level of sugar but I had eaten cake and drunk lemonade and sweet tea a couple of hours earlier which probably account for it (when I got home from work Debbie and Marie were there and had brought cakes for lunch, would have been rude to turn them down). Measured my tummy saying it was a "large bump!" and gave us a listen of Wiggle's heart beat. Nothing much I can do about the swelling hands and feet, it is just fluid like we thought, which is good because we don't need to worry about it, but a shame because I can't do anything about it.

She wants me to come back Tues of next week just to double check that my sugar levels are only high because of the cake and tea (so none of that for lunch next Tuesday) but that seems like the most likely cause - the more I thought about it the more sugar I realised I'd had in the short space of time - so it all seems ok.

Made me laugh when the midwife had the mic against my tummy listening for Wiggle, because she lost the heart beat for a moment when the baby booted the mic away! Yorkie says it's because Wiggle knew it wasn't Daddy! Nothing wrong with the baby either then!

It does mean that I missed the AquaNatal again though this week. And next week I have my midwife apt at the time AquaNatal starts, and the the week after just as it finishes.... Starting to think I'm never going to make it to this damned class!


Petula said…
Oh my! I've just stumbled across your blog from LinkReferral and I'm already enjoying reading about your Pregnancy Months.

Congratulations on the Wiggle. Try to relax and put your feet up as much as you can. And I hope you can make it to your class eventually.

Behave with the sugar! :)

Take care.
MummaWalker said…


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