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Return to the docs


Now, I think my Doc is the greatest. He's brilliant. But some times medicine in general hacks me off. Yesterday morning I went for my apt at 9.30 like I was told. I went to the automated self checking in touch screen as we're all supposed to do, keyed in my info, and was told I didn't have an apt. So went to the desk, where the phelb-wotsit (blood) woman told me to go and do it again. When I told here what it said she grudgingly tapped into the computer herself and told me my apt was at 9, not 9.30. My card says 9.30!

Anyway, I told her I was only here to get my blood results, maybe the doc could squeeze me in for 2 mins. She said she could give me the results and called them up on the pc and announced that they were positive, I was fine. (Der!!! That means there's something NOT obvious wrong with me!) I said I'd still like to see him because there was still something wrong with me, and these tests coming back pos was NOT a help. She tutted and went to call him. He said he'd see me and she sent me to the waiting room, warning that it might take hours so my 1 hr parking might not be enough.

He saw me in under 5 mins! (bitch!)

Anyway, rant over about that stroppy mare, and back to the important stuff.

My results rule out early menopause, over or under active thyroid, excessive testosterone, excessive bread feeding hormones, and various other minor things. Meaning they are pretty inconclusive.

Apparently PCOS has a wide spectrum of side effects and I do not show up on either extreme. That's good. But it does not rule out PCOS. And either way, I still have no menstrual cycle, so there is a problem whether it's PCOS or something else.

The next step is a hospital apt so they can scan my ovaries and do various other tests as they see fit. The doc talked about Clomid again (and the side effects... which may interfere with work!), and the potential of IVF which they are referring people to the NHS for at the moment. My doc currently has a 100% success rate with his referrals too (clearly something he is proud of).

I've spoken to my boss about the possibility of some time off so I can relax and take the pressure off for a while, and also to see if the medication I may well end up taking will temporarily affect my eye sight (and therefore my driving... and my job) and he's giving me next week, and trying to sort out the bank holiday too (although my cover guy may not be available, in which case the boss himself will take me there, work with me, and bring me back!) and there was talk of me maybe coming out of Ops altogther at some point in the future, without having to leave the company (which sounds GREAT!)


I guess it'll all pan out in the end.....


Vicki said…
Hello! Just popped over from pregnancyforum to say hi since you left your link! Your little one is gorgeous!!
MummaWalker said…
:o) Thanks! Nice to see you on here too

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