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Being a Baaaaad Mummy!

It's Saturday! I should be taking the kids out on some amazing adventure somewhere exciting!

But I'm not! 

We're staying in today. And while I tap away on here, my youngest is in bed napping and the other two are playing computer games. Tom isn't even wearing any undies... he decided that potty training without them is easier. I didn't feel like arguing over the matter today.

Shocking! Go ahead, call social services!

Thing is, it's a horrible, cold, wet Saturday and totally NOT suitable for an outside adventure when you have a 13m baby. And I have about £2 until Monday since I have gone way over budget this month on birthday presents (mainly for Tom next month) and treats for my boys (although they LOVE their Skylanders PJs and their new books) so an indoor play area is out too.

So this is the plan for today..... they get a bit of FreePlay in the house while I catch up on my blog reading and posting - they can do anything they want so long as they don't hurt anyone or break anything or scream so loud my ears bleed! Then, when I'm done, I'll join in their computer game for a bit. They love that! We'll have a picnic in the livingroom with a movie on Netflix for lunch, and I have a stash of Moshi Monsters baking stuff I have been saving for a rainy day such as today. Not 'proper baking' but they have a low attention span when it comes to mixing so stuff out of a box is ideal for now. That should take care of a nice chunk of the afternoon! After that... Well I'm not sure yet. I'll ask what they fancy doing, but I dread doing that on a day like today because they always want something I simply can't give them.

I doubt they'll want to help me sort out the 3 meter high laundry mountain I have to sort out :o/


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