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That "Shettles" it...

My cousin had a little girl this week after having 2 boys. Another cousin of mine has a baby girl after 3 boys. So there is a chance of us having that daughter my hubby has his heart set on (although I'm still pondering a middle name to go with the boys name I like).

I get that it's down to him to determine the sex of our planned baby. I pinched this from
It is the sperm that fertilizes the egg that will determine the sex of your baby. Some sperm carry the X-chromosome and some sperm carry the Y-chromosome. If an X-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a girl. If a Y-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a boy.
But I hear that there are things I can do to assist in getting the 'right' sperm to the egg... Like trying the Shettles Method.

What Wiki says:
Timing of Intercourse: In order to have a boy insemination should occur as close as possible to the moment of ovulation so that the faster, Y-sperm arrive first and achieve conception, according to the theory. When seeking a girl insemination the couple should seek to have sex 2½ to 3 days before ovulation.
Sexual Position: Shallow penetration coupled with the sperm deposited close to the entrance favors female conception because the area is more acidic, which inhibits the weaker Y sperm, according to the theory. To allow the Y sperm to reach the egg first (which supposedly moves at a faster rate), deeper penetration should be sought, to deposit the sperm at the least acidic area near the uterus opening.
Orgasms: Female Orgasm favors male sperm because they make the vaginal environment more alkaline.
Hmmmm..... So after seeing this hubby's gone and got all big headed. 3 boys from 3 pregnancies. He must be huge and talented! But the gist of it is I need to keep a close eye on my cycle (temping, checking cm), let him go on top... and not enjoy myself as much??? Don't rate that last one very highly :(

 We are still waiting to try, but those lovely people at highlight the days that are most likely to be fertile so (in theory) I can avoid the Boy Days and pounce on hubby on the Girl Days! That said.... we were using charting to avoid pregnancy when I caught with Baby3 so I'm not pretending it's a sure thing!


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