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Tom's 3rd Birthday

My Blondie is 3 today!

Cunning little fella sent his big brother in to our room at 6.15am - instead of going himself - to see if we were getting up and he could have his presents. Tom's got the hang of birthdays now. It helps that he just just seen both his brothers have their birthdays (March & April and still very fresh in his memory) and he has been counting down the sleeps for a crazy amount of time!

I would hate to disappoint any of my kids on their birthday. I think a child's birthday should be special! Me and Hubby do what we can to make it special for them. They come down in the morning to their presents arranged as nicely as we can do it, banners, balloons, and the breakfast of their choice (this year they have all chosen Cookies!). We arrange a party for them and bake or buy the cake they want. Part of their presents is always some money for a special day out to be used in the Summer Holidays.

Tom was soooo lovely opening his presents. He said his thank you's, and has played with everything. He wore some of his new clothes to his party in the afternoon. We went to Brewsers again (they LOVE it there) and he had a fab time. Isaac from nursery came, Rory & Flo, Luke & Bess, and Brodie, but poor Orrin was too poorly to come. We sent a party bag and balloon sword home with his brother so he didn't feel like he'd missed out too much. After all, the present was sent from him too! I had a surprise guest in the form of my Aunt Ellen (and her hubby & their youngest two - too old for the play zone) who called in from Scotland to see my dad and say hello to us too.

I was expecting a bit of a commotion from my Dad to be honest. Fay (his other half) had said to me a few days earlier that she wouldn't mind a chat with my Mum about my Dad to see if he really had always been as awful as he is now, or if he was worse. Had she made a rod for her own back etc. I'd mentioned it to Mum and she laughed. In her opinion YES she had set her self up for a tough time by taking up with him in the first place! But Fay had meant had she made him worse by pandering to him. The general opinion is that he is worse now than ever. But the conversation never happened. My Dad wouldn't stop hovering around and making sure that my Mum and my Step-Mum didn't get a moment to even say hello unobserved. It would be his worse nightmare that they should get along! Never mind.... It might happen one day. And as much as I am looking forward to being part of that conversation one day, I'm very very glad it didn't happen on Tom's birthday!



It was enjoyable and thankfully uneventful, other than Georgie exploding again.... 
this time all over poor Nana! Starting to think that kid is allergic to parties :0(

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Tom's 3rd Birthday, a set on Flickr.


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