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To My Husband, with Love

12 years ago today I met the man of my dreams. I wasn't even looking for him. But suddenly there he was.

8 years ago today he asked me to marry him on a beach at sunset.

6 years ago today we got married, and then life really began.

I truly love my husband. He is an amazing man and I can honestly say I wouldn't change a single thing about. Sure, he drives me crazy with his never ending (never finished) DIY, his constant fidgeting, and memory of a goldfish when it comes to important things that I've told him. But just because it drives me crazy it doesn't mean I'd change him. He drove me crazy from day one. If I didn't get a kick out of it we would never have got started!

I love that he is a good husband. I don't mean the "never forgets to buy me flowers" kind of good husband. I mean the kind that offers to cook or order a take-away when he can see I really can't be bothered to cook, the kind that gets up with the kids in the night so I don't have to, the kind that puts the bins out with out being told to, and always (almost always) remembers to flush and put the lid down.

I love that he is a good dad to our boys. He reads with them, plays games with them, teaches them interesting things. I love and appreciate that we discuss, agree, and back each other up with how we want to raise them.

I love him because he can still make me laugh, feel as amazing, and as much even more in love with him now than when we first fell in love. 

I love that despite what having 3 kids has done to my figure and what the lack of sleep has done to my looks, not to mention it being over a decade on, he still seems to love me too.

Happy Anniversary Hubby


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