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When the penny drops!

Funny how sometimes things just click into place. 

Our Blondie Tom has had a sudden Development Spurt! Ever since he turned 3 last month it's like someone has flicked a switch in his head and he's suddenly started doing things we've wanted him to do for ages and failed continually to encourage him to do.

Like his potty training for example. We've been trying to encourage him to use his potty or the toilet for almost a year with little success. Admittedly we didn't bother so much during the colder months because at that time he would only use his potty if he was naked and it seemed cruel to make him go round in the nude in winter. But suddenly he's been clean & dry of his own accord now for 3 weeks, save for one day early on. We didn't do anything different.... it just clicked!

At the same time he started to brush his own teeth (or try to anyway, we still help him out to make sure they are properly clean), try to dress and undress himself, eat his meals without fuss and with his cutlery... and he's suddenly found this confidence boost that allows him to go and play by himself, make friends, and not cling to us like a limpet every time we go somewhere new or another kid talks to him. He's even stopped crying when we leave him at nursery and goes charging off to find his friends and favourite toys and activities.

It's a massive relief to us. We were starting to worry a little that come September when he starts nursery with the bigger kids 3 days a week that he would still be wet, shy, and altogether miserable. We had no idea what to do about it. He is a bright kid and very articulate for his age but he seemed to be struggling with his confidence outside of our family group. Something we never experienced with his big brother, and while I know you shouldn't compare your kids, it's hard not to. It is normal to worry about your kids and this was worrying us.

But now... with this sudden "Hey I'm 3 now, I'm a BIG BOY!" attitude everything is falling so nicely in to place and we're finding our selves with smiles on our faces when we watch him reach each milestone. Roll on September I say!


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