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Lac de Barterand

Easily the worth thing to happen this holiday was Jack getting over excited and giddy in the house. He ran across the run, straight across a giant floor cushion (that he'd been told not to tread on), slipped, and smacked his face off the wooden leg of a chair splitting his cheek open. That's why he has a HUGE plaster on his face for the rest of the holiday.

Still, it didn't slow him down any and he just carried on having fun!

This is another lake local to my Dad's house. It's Lac de Barterand

You pay to go on this one but it is beautifully clean and manned with a life guard. There's a cafe/bar there too. 

The kids LOVED this one because it was much shallower and had proper steps and a ladder to ease you into the water. They were sad that we didn't see any fish this time though. Ans it was scorching hot so we only stayed a couple of hour. This time Papee went in the water too (although he did have to nip home to get his swimming gear because he's forgotten it!)

The rest of the day we relaxed at Mamee & Papee's house, swimming in the pool, playing with Scraps (the new baby bunny) and just enjoying the sunshine each others company.


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