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I would do anything for love..... but.......

I've had a busy couple of week, not least being the wedding of my hubby's little brother, that we damn near missed (none baby post, very funny).

But the real reason I haven't been posting much is because not much has been happening on the baby front. My AF came and went with very little drama, and I've been sat around waiting for a temp change to say that I've ovulated. I'm on cycle day 15 and still waiting.

I suppose that could be a good thing.... if I had ovulated on cd14 I might well have missed my chance because we'd spent the 3 nights over the weekend sharing our bedroom with the kids (family room booked at the hotel while we were down for the wedding) and as much as I want another baby, there are limits to what I am willing to do to get one! Baby dancing with my hubby while anywhere between 1 and all of our kids are in the same room is one of those limits!

.... I wont do that!

But my temps did not go up. So we're still in with a chance.

Only now I'm not very well. Its only a cold, but it's a nasty one and it's put a dampener on my mood,  not to mention draining me of my energy. I'm not really up to hour long sessions with the hubby because I'm knackered! So what am I doing about it? Well........ I'm "entertaining" my hubby as much as possible without pushing him too far and then making sure I am deeply involved in the "finale" if you get my meaning.

..... I guess I did do that..... *blush*

He's happy, I'm happy, I'm getting the results I want. Don't judge me for my choice of methods :-P

I've got my blood test next week. Tuesday feels like a million years away at the moment. And every morning I wake up and my temp hasn't gone up I'm just that tad more frustrated!


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