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The Lovely Zoe over at Maddie Bug and I has nominated me for a Liebster! I am truly chuffed, I've had one before but not for ages so it's lovely to be considered again.

For anyone who doesn't know what a Liebster is, here's the gist of it. It's an award for bloggers with fewer than 200 followers recorded to the blog (Bloglovin etc) who you think is great for what ever reason. It's a great way to get to know other bloggers in the same range as yourself and share other great bloggers you follow.


As with all bloggy awards there are "rules" you should stick to so that this award continues to do it's job.

  • Link back to those who nominate you
  • Answer the 10 questions the nominator has for you
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
  • Create 10 questions for your nominees
  • Be sure to notify your nominees

  • Questions

    These are the questions Zoe asked me:

    1. What is the sole purpose of your blog?
    It's changing! All the time! It's started off as a diary, then turned into somewhere I came to vent, then it became a journal blog of my marriage and motherhood - which it still is - but now with reviews and such chucked in.
    2. Which social network is your favorite?
    Ooooh! Too easy to say Facebook, because it is so easy to use. But more and more I am using Google+!
    3. Favorite TV show?
    I have 3 right now, True Blood, Game of Thrones and Dexter!
    4. What is something unique about you that a lot of people may not know?
    I have a secret passion for cheap, girly romance novels. I hide them behind my other books!
    5. What is your occupation?
    Office Manager / Credit Control at a local commercial cleaning firm
    6. What is your favorite makeup product?
    Eye liner & mascara! Any brand. I am rarely seen without lashings of both!
    7. What is in your purse right now?
    Tissues, kids snacks, one lipstick, 2 mobile phones (one my own, one my work phone), cash & cards
    8. What is your favorite quote or motto?
    It changes, but currently "May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!" (in an over the top posh voice)
    9. If you could only shop at one store for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Probably Asda, since that's where we do most of our food/household/clothes shopping already
    10. What is your favorite post on your blog that you have done?
    There are so many I find it hard to pick just one. But one of the best from the last 12 months has to be the day it rained inside the house

    Who I nominate: 

    A Day in the Life if a Super Mom
    My Life as a Mummy
    Home Sweet Kitchen and Garden
    Attempting to be a Domestic Goddess
    Growing Little Ones
    Where have all the Grownups Gone?
    Becoming Mummy
    Journey to Mommyhood and Beyond

    My Questions For You:

    1. Where are you from?
    2. Why do you blog?
    3. How long have you been blogging?
    4. Do you have any tattoos? (details if yes!)
    5. What's the craziest thing you ever did with your hair? 
    6. What is your funniest or favourite blog post?
    7. Have you ever done anything so embarrassing you daren't blog about it?
    8. Which social media do you use most?
    9. If we went out for lunch together, where would we go and what would you order?
    10. What super power do you wish you had?


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