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Newsflash: Sex slave demands night off!

Today I finally got a rise on my chart! I've been waiting for what feels like forever for this rise, but every day my temp just got LOWER! Until Monday where it has rocketed back up again!!!

I'm really hoping it stays up and rising, but probably not as much as the hubby. I've worn that poor husband of mine out this last week. He's not used to bedtime gymnastics 5 nights out of 7 these days! He was allowed a couple of nights off to recuperate. He's not been taking his multi-vits! When I admitted that last night I was a bit too tried and headachy myself I could see a mixture of disappointment and relief on his face!

Now these things..... Ovulation tests. They are the baine of my existence right now! I have never ever EVER had a positive on these. The thing on the packet says the line has to be as dark or darker than the test line to be positive. Even on the months when I have got pregnant I have never had a "positive" although I do get faint lines on the day I believe I've ovulated. So I'm going with that.

This month I got a faint line (not the picture) and the next day my temp finally went up. FF agrees that this is likely to be ovulation. Here's hoping!

Yesterday I had my blood test. I can call up for the results on Friday afternoon. I'm trying not to think about it. Much. 

Typically though, now I'm a little worried because if I HAVE ovulated, and if I AM pregnant this time, then this time the baby would be due on my second sons birthday. And of all my 3 kids he is the only one who would really kick off about having to share his birthday........... But I'm thinking too far ahead, and there's no way - with my history - that I'd be allowed to go to my due date anyway.

So what do I want form this month? Honestly, I'd be happy to have ovulated this month, and get pregnant next month. But I'll take what I can get!


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