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Autumn Bucket List

I should have started this a few weeks ago, I know. But with the office move, Jack's Neil Armstrong project and the blog move too I simply didn't get round to it! There's so much slipping away at the moment that I am struggling to keep up!

SO... this should give me the kick up the bum I need to get things going again - it is the half term holidays after all so some of the big stuff has to happen this week!

These are the things I am determined to get done before Winter officially starts on Dec 21st - mainly because that is WAY TOO CLOSE TO CHRISTMAS to start a lot of our festive crafts, and we still have Halloween and Guy Fawkes between now and then.


Visit Lego Discovery in Manchester in the school holidays
Make Halloween biscuits and cake
Carve pumpkins!


Buy our own fireworks for Guy Fawkes and have the Hubby set them off for us
Make toffee or chocolate apples
Go for a woodland walk and kick up some leaves!


Make Christmas cards
Make salt dough decorations
Make Christmas biscuits


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