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Diet's New Starting Point

I didn't do as badly as I thought I would over Christmas.

About half way through the holiday I had gained 4 lb, but by Sunday I had already lost 2 of those. So I am claiming a 2 lb Christmas gain, and a New Year starting point of 14 stone exactly!

I am struggling to get my commitment back to the diet after Christmas. I have really got my taste for sweet things and carbs back with a vengeance. And it's cold and wet outside which just makes me crave comfort food all the time too. I took my usual box of veggie sticks to work yesterday and really didn't want them. I was day dreaming about mashed potatoes. Warm. Soft. Creamy. Tasty. I had some for dinner! But I stayed within my pro points so that's ok.

Only being 2 lb heavier than before Christmas is a good thing. If I had gained loads of weight I would have been very disheartened and wanted to give up. But this is still very important. I want to get back below 14 stone, ideally loosing 2-3 lb, this week because I'm back at the doctors on Monday afternoon and I want to show progress on my weight.

I need to sort out some nice warm, filling, low point food to take to work for my lunches! Salad is not cutting it! It is ruddy cold in there, and I am acutely aware of how close the local fish & chip shop is with it's piping hot battered cod; chips and gravy; sausages and pies..... *drool*


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