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Nesting in full swing!

We're on!

Finally got the drawers today, after waiting half the day for a text from Argos that turned out to be an email sent yesterday (not impressed Argos, you can do better than that!) We've opted to give them to Jack instead of George, and give George Jack's drawers... Which are going into the nursery. Confused? Trust me, it makes since really. The new drawers have more room in them which means Jack has a drawer especially for his school uniform. They are the same as Tom's so they can go side-by-side and the top be used as Georgie-proof storage (no more Lego tipped out all over the floor at 2 am).

Having the smaller set of drawers in the nursery for Georgie to use isn't ideal, but it is only short term really. Once the room shuffle starts it won't matter any more. Right now, making sure the boys have room to play in their room is more important than tons of free space in the nursery.

So, Hubby has built the new drawers. I have arranged Jack's clothes in them. I have moved the other drawers into the nursery, and emptied the bookcase. The kids are in bed now and Hubby is mending the bookcase - which is only a cheapie one I bought as a temporary thing 15 years ago and has taken a hammering. Poor bloke is worn out, but it needs doing tonight because all the stuff that was on it is now on our bed! If it's not mended, in place, and filled tonight we'll be sleeping in the living room! He's getting a bit grumpy. I'm staying out of his way!

Needless to say the crib will NOT be getting sorted tonight. I might have a go tomorrow after work if I have any energy left. If not... Well there's time yet. 75 days to due date!

My next job: a big clothes sort! I'm planning to start on Sunday (next day me and Hubs are both home) but with the kids home that day I doubt I'll get much done.


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