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Anaemia & Iron Tablets

Midwife came over again today. Had to ask if these killer headaches I've started with might be linked to the iron tablets I've been given to help me after the massive blood loss I had in labour - and how many paracetamol are considered safe while BF. I'm don't think I'm dehydrated or anything, but I feel like a have nails being driven into the base of my skull, through my brain, and jabbing at the back of my eye brows. It's making me a tad short tempered (Ok, I'd be screaming at everyone if it didn't make me feel like it brain would boil if I tried).

She's put it down to not drinking enough water.... I thought I was doing ok BUT given that my cankles seem to have finally gone, my milk has arrived with vengeance, and I'm peeing pints per hour she might be on to something. She suggested plenty of water and sleep. And drinks lots of orange to help to iron get absorbed! If no better giver her/GP a call.

She weighed Freddie. He is 8lb 12oz currently, which is a 6% drop. She said they expect 7-10% so he's done really well! She saw he had a mucky nappy, saw him piddle everywhere while he was getting weighed, and saw him latch on for a very noisy, guzzley feed, so she's happy with all of that too. He's had his heal pricks done. That was the hardest part - finding a bit of his poor little feet that had healed enough from all the hospitals tests.

She also had a poke if my tummy etc and is happy with me too. She's stunned that I haven't been crippled my after pains with this being no.4 but I've not suffered at all so far. Hubby says it's pay back for all the pain and discomfort of my late preg and the birth! We won't see her again until Thu next week! Unless I feel the need, and then I can call her. She seems to think that everything is ok and that I know what I'm doing by now. I'll take it as a compliment.

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