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Ok.. maybe hate is a strong word, but I am seriously unhappy with some of them. You see, working in the post office shop - and today being the day when the new collectable stamps have come out, I have been ever so slightly inundated with stamp collectors. Unfortunatly, I have never sold any of these special packs before, don't really know where they are all kept or how to key them into the till. It's not that I haven't been trained propely as such, but I haven't been told where EVERYTHING was, and some of the PLUs were missing. So it all went tits up and I had to call for help three times while I had a crowd of irate customers muttering about how think sales girls are.


But aside from that the days been ok - had a couple of upperty customers, but nothing I can't handle.

When I got home Yorkie had been to the pub with Ray (Sulk, I wanted to go too and he was home when I got back - pout). Stuart (Yorkie's mate from college) was over when I got home so we've had a night of Dragon Quest and other such RPG nattering. Although I'm not sure why we were looking at Russian Mail Order Brides for so long. Yorkie keeps blaming Ray, but I don't believe a word of it. I recon they just wanted to look at cheap totty.

I am now awaiting a reply on a possible job at Business 1st in Lancaster. I sent my CV to them the other day and got a call of them yesterday lunch time, but we didn't get the message until about 10 last night. I tried to call them back today but he was busy. I emailed him back about arranging an interview and really hoped I would have a reply when I came home from work today but I didn't. So please cross your fingers for me!



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