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Men... DOH!

Ray came over this morning. He and Yorkie were supposed to be doing some DIY up at Ray and Sarahs house. Needless to say they didn't actually do any work all day, they just drove around and fecked about as lads will do on a day out with out their women.

Th best bit is when they ring me up while I'm sat at Morecambe train station waiting to come home. Would I like a lift home instead. Well, they've rung from my house so I know they aren't out and about and in the area, but it does occure to me that maybe they are off to the pub so I agree, having not bought a trin ticket yet.

Trian comes. Trian goes. No boys.

As I was about to call them (around the time I would have been half way home on the train) they arrive and pick me up. We drive back to Lancaster and the lads are chatting away. Seems that we are not going to pub or anything after all, and infact Ray has to be home very very soon to take Sarah to see her sick grandad, so would we mind being dropped in town. Sure, no problem. Drops us off.

Of course, now I'm fozen having been sat in the cold for over half an hour in coastal winds. We're at the wrong end of town, so I have to walk three times as far as I would have if I had caught the train and I'm home an hour later than I would have been if they hadn't given me a 'lift'.

Great lift lads. But next time, I'll get the trian! :0)

Work was ok... spent the whole shift piecing together a card board stand for diaries and checking the new christmas/new year diary stock. Some of which was missing, and replaced with two PRAMS... Go figure.

I think I served Sara today as well, a lass I vagely know through Yorkie and the lads, but she didn't recognise me. 95% sure it was her. I didn't say her name incase I was wrong, but was friendly enough for her to think I was sure it was her, if it was... Corse, I look a lot different when I'm at work. I look all smart and professional - perfect hair and make-up, smart dress etc - and the name badge with 'Trisha' will confuse people who don't know me all that well. Normally I'm t-shirt, jeans, no glasses, minimal make up and a pint of something alcoholic in my hand.

All being said, I did get bought saussage and chips from the chippie by Yorkie on the walk home and I feel pretty chilled and that about life in general. Plus it's only one day away from the weekend. God, I hope I get to go out this weekend. I hope I have enough cash...


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