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Ow, my heed!

Went round to Fran and Simon's last night after work for tea. Yorkie had been out with them and Ray for the afternoon bowling and drinking. It was a prett great night with lots of beer, good food and choc. Don't know where the time went, but one moment it was about 7pm, next thing we knew it was gone midnight!

As usual there was great mirth over Simon injuring him self in a variety of ways - best of all being the falling down the stairs with a brand new dyson in his hands, opting to risk life and limb saving the machine rather than just letting it go. Well, they are expensive!

Unfortunatly the conversation did drift round the the demon ex... I had visions of another fight with Yorkie all the way home once her name had been mentioned, but we managed not too. PHEW. I managed not to bitch about her too much. Sadly Simon used to be a good friend of hers, but typically she fucked that up by just being her self. Although I have to say 'thank god' for that, coz I REALLY don't want to spend ANY time in her compnay again, ever, for the rest of my life!

I've invited them both round (Fran and Simon) on Thursday night - assuming all is well. We've been a bit jinksed when it comes to them coming here for a change and there's always some thing comes up either with us or with them that prevents it from happening! It'll give me a chance to try out one of my new cook books... thinking about doing Greek... YUM

I did manage to leave my glasses there though, so using the computer is hurting a little bit. Wont be on for long today I don't think.

OOO! I didn't say did I!? I got a call from Glen at Micro Markets yesterday and I have an interview on Tuesday and 1.15, so please wish me luck everyone! I really want this job! Finally, a chance to use my qualificaions! And maybe get a staff discount...! WO HOO!

Right, well, my eyes hurt so I'm going to go.


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