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YAY! Friends!

Work was just work, so not going to rant about that today (phew).
I have applied for a new job - same wage, still in Morecambe - but working for Micro Markets as Sales Manager, which means that I will still be selling stuff for a living, but at least it'll be selling computer stuff so it's a step in the right direction. And i'll be creating and running the shop web site! Just need to buy some ink for my printer tomorrow so I can accually send my CV and stuff.
Got back in touch with some friends today - or rather they got back in touch with me. Angie finaly started speaking to me again. Guess she thought I'd lied about sending her birthday prez like a certain other friend of ours did to both of us, when really Amazon had fucked it all up. She ended up getting TWO prezzies off me instead! lol.

And Omi from Gamesite200 is back at long last, after going AWOL since aug 30th, so manybe there'll be more than just me and scorp on the 'quest to find the answers to the questions that no one knows', lol.

Listening to Rocky Horror in the background. Jen's off to watch it live next week so she put it on to get some costume ideas... I've been singing away while slaving away on Dragon Court (Alzir5's been promoted to Dame! YAY). Not watched it for ages and I'm loving it!

Have mental cats fighting in the background too... one under the rug, one on top of it kicking and biting him, and one watching with a bemused expression on her face. Who need telly with pets like these nutters!

Write again soon - off for pie, chips and beans. Slurp!


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Recipe: Pigsty Pie

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