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The key for the till mysriously reappeared in a locked draw this morning... along with the missing stamp bag. But the till draw had been tampered with and wouldn't close properly... Mmm... Something dodgy going on. I jut hope they dont try to pin it on me - with me being a temp and everything.

Having said that the day hasn't been too bad at all. A new till arrived which proved to be further fun and games. Our branch has won a 'best sales' award as so we all get a bottle of wine, even me! And I got invited tot he staff x-mas do, even though I wont be there for x-mas. Aint that sweet?

Made a new life long friend today too. One of the regulars, Alan Hawksworth, 72, enlisted my help in installing a CD copying program called CloneCD (which I happen to know a little about) on his computer. I swore I was only going to be there for 10 mins, 30 at the most. I was there ALL AFTERNOON! But he's a really interesting bloke. Been married three times, lived in 12 countries, got family that wont speak to him for all kinds of reasons, known all kinds of famous people. Bless the poor old lad, he's really lonely. I'm the first visiter he's had in what sounds like years. He's given me some fantastic photo quailty printer paper for helping him out, and unfortunatly he also gave me a couple of the CDs we copied - a Charlotte Church and some other guy I've never even heared of! He wants me to come round again some time soon and bring Yorkie with me too, but I doubt that he'll go somehow!

Left there sometime between 3 and 4 and ten waked the miles and miles to Asda to buy the food in for tomorrows 'big meal'. By the time I got there I was knackered! Yorkie'd been ringing me, worried that I'd got lost or hurt or something since he was expecting me home at 3. I didn't get in till about half 5!!!

My feet hurt!

Not much else going on. Chris has ccome round to see Jen, poor lads off work sick. And that's about it really.


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