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Ok, I know I haven't mentioned this, but to be honest, I've had a bit of a giggle and then let it lie... Last week I was working a couple of late night so I couls have a day off this week. Naturally me and Glenn got to chatting about all kinds of daft things. This included the time when he and Alison were apart and he nearly married a Russian Bride he's met through the internet. Now, I just fell about laughing and told him about the guy in the brown cow with his oriental mail order, and about Ray and his dable in the Russian Bride sites.

I don't remember how, but me and Andrea got onto the subject of Glenn and this Russian woman, and how Alison is still really peeved about the whole thing. They seem to ahve been falling out reather a lot lately and we wondered if maybe he'd got back in touch with the Russian woman.

Well, guess what happened today!

Sat in the office, chatting away, getting on with some work, nice, quiet normal day... young lass walks in (late 20's - 30's).

"Hello", she says, with a very thick accent, "I am Russian!"

Well, we shat our selves and no kidding! I span in my chair to look at Andrea and her face mirrored my own; "what the hell are we gonna do now" type thing. Bare in mind that Alison is due to call at any moment.

After a difficult conversation with the girl who's english was rather limited, we deduced that she infact was NOT the Russian bride after all.


Got to go now, off to the pub!


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