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At last... a few mins!

Hello all, it's been ages, I know, but I have been a busy little bee!

I went home last weekend - as back to my mums - for the SEOND time since I've been with Yorkie (for those of you that don't know, that almost 2 and a half years) and had a really nice time. John (mum's bf) took us all to Manchester on sunday to watch an IMAX film and have a drink in a really funky Irish pub. But it was a couple of days later that they called me back to tell me that they were buying me a CAR!!!!!!!!!!

I've not had a car for years, granted, I haven't actually needed one until now, and I was supposed to be getting my mum's citron AX as soon as I needed it, but they have desided to by me a Ford Mondeo! I should have it in two weeks! I can't wait!

Dad said he'd pay my car insurance on it until I'm 25 inAugust, coz it'll be cheaper for me then and I'll be able to afford it a little more comfortably than I can now. Fay's doing the research for me to find the best deal too. Do I have the best parent and step parents ever or what??

Works still going great, gonna be branching out into the Games Workshop figures soon and Glenn giving me a bit more responcibility too. Seems to be paying off too cause we're going up about 10 rating points a day and the profits are pilling in! When I have my car I'll be able to get loads more gameslisted too coz I wont have to wait for Glenn to have time to bring me some over from the shops and stalls, I can get them myself.

All good stuff!


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