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Ahhhh wednesdays...

I like wednesdays at the moment! Glenn up at Kendal filling in since he fired Richard (hee hee) which mean the pressure is off us to be constantly working and we can have a chat.

Turns out the reason he's in such a bad mood is that he's thinking about acutally leaving Alison. Can't say I blame him though - they aren't exactly well suited, and from what they've both said the realtionship has been long dead anyway.

Still, it's a really REALLY rough situation to be in - and with all the money worries at home and at work I can see why the poor blokes been a bit wound up...

He sounded a little bit more cheerful on the phone today though, so he might be in a better mood tomorrow. I hope so - it's really hard to relax and get into your work when he's like that.

Work it self's been pretty good. I finaly fixed the problem I was having with the new-and-improved web site. Gemma is flying through the work I give her - I've actually had to ring round to find her more stuff to list so money's gonna be rolling in again soon - and Andrea and Gemma seem to be getting on really well too.

Good alround really!

Bit pissed of with something in my forum though. Bas desided (in a fit of childish rage I suspect ) to put a stop on Cutter and Alzir getting to know each other better. Think he's sulking becuase we all so blatantly got pissed off with him in the chat room on Monday... That's one kid who need to see he is not the centre of the universe!

And I was right about Yorkie not joining the forum last night. The Char he's working on looks like it's gonna be great - but he stopped part way through and didn't make a post (GRR)


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