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Much happier!

Ended up going to the pub last night - the idea was to drag him out, but by the time I'd got myself sorted I thought "fuck it". After all, he'd suffer enough having to go to work with the killer hang over he was bound to have - and he did! And I did manage to make my point with out making a scene. He seemed suitably sorry for standing me up.

And when I got there - guess who was also there.... The Demon Ex! For once she seemed to have the brains to stay out of my way - and keep well clear of Yorkie. The mood I was in last night - well, I'd have probably slaughtered her if she'd given me the slightest reason to.

The bad luck of yesterday seeped over into today as well, just ever so slightly! Fridays used to be a nice chilled out sort of day at work. Both eBay and PayPal are out of action from 9am till 11am so I can't make listings, sort out packing slips for orders or even do the banking, so me and Andrea used to relax a little. We still did all the work we had to do, but the pressure was off - especially with Glenn normally being out of the office until late as he takes all the pay packets to the outlets.

This morning I was explaining all this to Gemma, and how since he's out of the office on Wednesdays at the moment, he's usually in the office on a firday morning - which cocks up our routine. And - just as I was saying "that's why we like Glenn not being in the office on a friday morning" the front door slams. Glenn is not only now IN the office - but he's heared what I've said!!!! DOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!

He didn't say anything about it - and I sure as hell am not going to mention it to him! I just hope it didn't take it to mean that either A) we slack off when he's not there, or B) that I don't like him - because neither is true!

It is now offically over between him and Alison too, and he's looking for a new place to live. I can't believe he's just GIVING her that house. I know he didn't want it and doesn't like it, and that he seems to think he owes her something, but a whole house? A big expensive one at that?? Hope she knows just how lucky she is. All my ex left we with was 7 grand of debt! Then again - the house was mine already, hee hee hee!

On a different note - I know I'm gonna have to kick start DA again - but I don't want to make anything too big happen over a weekend again - like I did last week, coz that mean's Zack will be left out again, and I don't want that. Not sure what to do.... Yorkie is working on his character agin. More through guilt than anything else I think. He seems to be trying to make up for last night with out us actually having a row about anything. I like that!


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