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Och - A whole weekend!

The weekend started well enough, I felt a bit illand went to bed stupidly early on Friday - not gonna say HOW early coz it's embarasing! lol

Sat was a bit more fun, I spent most of the morning and afternoon playing Zoo Tycoon coz I haven't played in AGES! And then me and Yorkie went to meet Mark and Gemma in the Bobbin. Just for an afternoon drin honest, no mad boozing! Not with me on a diet! Honest!!!!! Needless to say that after MANY drinks and a damn good curry at Bombay Balti I don't really recall going home!

Did have a rather distressing little MSN with Akeate when I got in though. it's none of my business, so I'm not gonna say what was said, but I really hope everyone concerned is ok (Akeate'll know what I mean - Hope she's ok hunny!!)

Sunday was a nice slow day - but that bloody cold finally caught up with me and I ended up feeling like shit and just curling up on the settee with a lem-sip and a blankie (sniff - sneeze)

Hee hee - had to save my big strong bf from TWO MOTHS though! They flew at him in a menacing way! One even landed on him! OOooo! HHEHEHHEHEEE

Work was SLOOWWWW yesterday and today. I forgot Andrea's birthday today (I blame the cold for messing my head up) but the new web site is looking DAMN good if I do say so my self. I should have it up by the end of the week - if it doesn't all go tits up that is.

Glenns in a MUCH better mood. We reccon he had sex this weekend, but he's not giving anything away! Boring sod, lol. We'll get it outof him sooner or later - he just doesn't know it yet! Muwahhahahahaa


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