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SO glad today is over!

Ever had a day you wish would just never have happened? Been like that for me today. Started off crap, got worse!

Got dressed all nice for work, cream skirt, blue t-shirt and new matching shoes: Threw the salsa from my lunch all down myself, had to get changed again with only 2 minutes to spare, late for work

Had to make an aresy data base for all my products I sell on line, only to have it wiped from the computer by a virus TWICE! At least I got it third time and the boss thinks it's great

Finally started to pack for my holiday - the only holiday bag I have stinks of cat piss! Have to go and buy a new suitcase. This means driving to the next town to find a supermarket that's still open

On the way out of my street I have to back round a car that's parked in the middle of the road - smash the neighbours wing mirror clean off, and wreck my own!

Get to the supermaket, buy the suitcase, go to fill the car up - which is nearly empty and I have to get to work and then to Leeds tomorrow. Guess what? The pertol station has run out of unleaded! NO FULE!

My car stalls in the middle of the petrol station, and because it has a dodgy immobilser, refuses to start again for 10 mins! So I'm blocking all the already irrate drivers!!

Get home with the suitcase and a Chinese-Meal-in-a-bag (coz they had no roast chickens left!) and the noodles are missing!!!!! Damned if I'm going back out!

So Im in a huff and I'm off to bad!

At least I lost another 2 lb for Weight Watchers this week. So I guess I got SOMETHING out of the day. I'd rather be fat and still have a wing mirror though *sulk*


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