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Sucked IN!

I seem to have lost the whole of Sunday! I have been sucked back into the world of RuneScape with avengence! Sunday was a lovely sunny ay, and I missed it COMPLETELY!

But I did level up from 33 to 38, so that's ok!

Zack and Akeate joined me for a while, but Ake didn't like it much. He's not as easily pleased as me I think, lol.

Zack's worried about the RP, and looking back I can see he's right. We;rre just communicating with eachother. There are some lovely big posts, and some very good RPers... but it's missing that vital something. Well, I've tried to get people to interact a bit more with todays post, but we'll see how it goes. I don't want any more people dropping out - especially people I like so much!

Works been good, loads of stuff to post. Made almost as much today as we did all week (which was also almost double the week before's takings) so it looks like we're back on track again. The new web site is up and running (alomost wasn't - I forgot to transfer my work until this morning as was almost late again!). I'm busy filling in the info side of the Games Workshop stuff, and when that's done I'll have all the movies and music to list. We'll be racking it in again in no time!

Glenn in coming ever closer to admitting he's gay! We got chatting about Male Celebs again today in the last hour or so. And he says Jonny Depp, Russle Crow and Orlando Bloom are all very good looking - went on about Depp and Bloom for ages. Even said Bloom for very good looking in a Gay Sort of Way..... come on Glenn, come out! I don't want to be the only one in the office with Same Sex Experiences any more!

Ever so slightly gutted about all the work I put in to finding Holiday's for John to take mum on though - after all that (3 cites including flights and hotels) Mum opted for the coach trip! Doom.... Still, it's her birthday and her present, so what ever she wants is great. Still have no idea what to get her myself though! John suggested Euros, but I quite fancy taking her on a shopping trip for new holiday clothes. I'll have to see what she fancies though. She never wants me to spend anything on her. If she new the XMas prez I bought them last year was £150.00 she'd go mad! But she's worth it. Best Mum ever, my mum!


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