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At last

I think I hit the bottom of my mood yesterday. Didn't want to see any one or leave the house or anything. Spent most of the day re-organising our bedroom or just lying on the bed reading. I even pulled out of going to watch the England v France match at Fran and Simons house - missed out on a BBQ and time with my mates - all because I felt so low. Watched the match as home though - ad felt even WORSE at the end of it! DOOM!

Think I must have done something right though coz I feel much better today. Got loads of web site stuff done, went to Queen Street Shop (one of ours) and had a natter to Darren while he loading some info I needed onto floppy for me.

Spotted Gav on the way home, sat by the bus stop on a large carrier bag - would have given him a lift, but we were going in the other direction. I had to ask why he was sat on a bag, but no matter what I said, he's reponce was just "Whaa....?" so after the fourth attemp I gave up. Just Gav being Gav I suspect!

No Andrea today - even though she swore she'd be in (grr). Hope everything's ok and she's not had any bad news or anything! Can't remember when she said she's get her latest test results back! *eep* Of couse there was no Glenn either - he's at Kendal Shop all week (aww, poor him) but he had been in and left stuff for me and Gemma to do - like a NeoGeo Pocket Colour, with a Sonic game and a shooty-shooty game I can't remember the name of now. Naturall, we just HAD to test it - make sure it worked and eveything! Great little gadgit! Good job we're havig to sell it though, coz I reccon me and Gemma would have fought over who got to have it other wise, lol.

Yorkie got a nice fat cheque off the people he works for today. He had to work 2 hours on Sat morn,and ended up working almost 3 hours because people kept coming in! Poor lad! It meant I got to spend an hour in his office for a change though. I had been in Morecambe doing to Charity Shop shopping first - bought some great books I've been hunting for, but the best bargin was a pair of MOTO jeans I have wanted for YEAR! Just £3.99!!! They are still a size (well, half a size) too small, but with the way I've been loosing weight, I think they'll be on in no time! I can actually get into them now, but they'll look better in a months time.

Maybe that's why I feel better? Coz I'm loosing weight again after that hellish week away.... Hmmm


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