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Well - ww was not as bad as it could have been - only have 2lb of that horrendus hoilday-fat left to shift before I'm back on track again.

Work's been odd today - none of us was in the mood to be there. Seems none of us girls are sleeping right at the mo. Andrea say's it's the heat, and I reccon she's right.

I helpped Andrea set up a live journal of her own today too, woooo! Now we can rant in unisen!

Deeply touched by Glenns generosity today. He strolled in and announced that he was gonna pay for three key members of staff to have a health plan with the company (and himself too) and guess who they are??? Me, Andrea..... and Alison (spit!)

Stunned and shocked that he chose me, would have sworn he's have put Lynn on instead (she's been with him in the business since he started, is mananger of one of the shops, and was almost his mother in law a few years ago). He did slip in that it was "like a mini pay rise" which has me twitching slightly, as I am sure I am due to pay review soon... is this a replacment for that as we have not (ANY OF US not just me) been pulling in as much cash lately? Guess I'll have to wait and see.

The lazy sod though, all he's done that last two days is come to the office and play chess on his laptop! So you see, it's not just us that mess about when we should be working, lol!


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