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Ouch! *whimper*

Don't know how I've gone this - but I've gone lame and need to be put down by the vet! Woke up this morning with the WORST pain in my right leg. I can hardly walk on the bloody thing! Limping around like a LOON!

Got a call from Fran last night, reminding me I need to pay that £45.00 for the Hen Night do next month. I know that's paying for the Limo and Club, but I'll still need a new outfit and money for drinks. I really want to go, but jeez, does she think I'm made of money? There's only me and Anne who haven't paid yet. I think she forgets that I'm having to support two people on my wage, and I have debts that need clearing too. *sulk*

Also got a call from Juliette - who we haven't seen in ages. She really wanted me and Yorkie to meet her in the Bobbin last night, but (apart from having no money), we have to be up early to go to work / college and it seems Yorkie has caught that nasty cold thing I had on holiday, so he really doesn't want to go. I asked if we could meet at the weekend instead, but she's back off home to Brighton tomorrow. I said me and Gemma would meet her in the Bobbin after work today for a quick drink, if she was free, and we agreed that I would get her number of Yorkie and call her before we left the office. Only the number Yorkie had for her seems not to be the right number any more, and I can't get hold of her. called Yorkie to make sure I hadn't got it written down wrong, and sure enough it's the same number, but all I get is a dead tone. And Yorkie's feeling really ill and not wanting to go to the pub anyway. DOOM! Looks like I'm gonna miss ehr again. She'll think we don't like her at this rate!

Still no Mark yet - Gemma can't get hold of him on his mobile, so we're guessing he's still stuck in Norway (EEP!), and no Andrea coz she's still ill. Glenn seemed in a better mood on the phone though, but Alison keeps calling the office for Andrea (presumably to have a bitch), but we wouldn't giver her Andrea's phone number, lol!

We both (Gemma and I) got heavily sucked into looking at Goth clothes on eBay though - she's bought a great dress from America that she really can't afford, but it's GREAT and she just HAD to have it. I had to ristrain my self, since all my money this week has to go on mum's birthday prez, but there's always next week - after all, I need something for this hen night, don't I? lol


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