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Work was ok, done loads of web site stuff - mostly updating the site map and splitting up the accessories and components pages so they load faster. Still no eBay - and now the bastard have started ignoring our emails again. BUT... About 4pm a bloke walks into the office. i vagely recognise him as being some one Glenn knows out side of work, only Glenn isnt there. I'm hoping he's back at 4.30, but with Glenn, you never really know.

Chap sits down and say's he'll wait for Glenn, and sparks up a cig (no smoking in the office, but never mind - Glenn let him last time, so I'm not about to go menatl at him. Just sulk a bit). I deside NOT of offer him a brew, as I really ought to be working and not have random people harassing me. No such luck!

About 4.35 Glenn does finally turn up - has a quick chat to the bloke (who I finally found out is called Peter) and bogs off!!! Peter asks if he should go too, and Glenn says "No, it's ok, unless Charlie's going to throw you out on the street!" Winks at me, and LEAVES!

Rat bag KNOWS I wont do that!!!

So I end up listening to this guys whole life story - I know everything from his dental problems, to his caring for his mum, to his religious belifes and political views!!! I don't really want to know ANY of this!

To top it all, when he asks to use the loo, he leaves the door open so I can't lock up without seeing him pee (I locked up late instead!) and I end up leaving with him because he stayed until I finished work, and having him walk me half way to my car.

Sometimes I curse my good, polite up-bringing!


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