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I am AMAZED! The money dad promised me has actaully turned up! Not just the £50.00 in my bank, but another £80.00 through the post. This is to get my car fixed by the way - it needs new shockers, a new wing mirror and the front tires need the tracking sorted out. The tracking was a problem caused by dear old dad and his ideas for cheap fixes, so i'm taking the cash. I did try to talk him out of it - I don't like him giving me hand outs purely because he then uses the fact against me in his usual emotional blackmail bouts, but I am strapped, and the jobs really need doing.... beggers and choosers and such likeI think I fianlly managed to alter the work web site enough to make it fit on older moniters (low rez pc's were having hassles viewing my stuff), but now I have days of wonderful maths to look forward too - prices and that. I hate doing this bit. I'm no good at maths, and I can just about cope when I have the formulars writeen down, I can make them work and evrything, just don't ever expect me to understand them - coz I can't!Glenn was in the office all day, so we didn't get any time for chit-chat or messing about, so there isn't really much more to say. My poor feller seems a tad wound up too - think he had a hard day, but he's not saying much about it.Weather's crap - maybe that's what's getting everyone down


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Recipe: Pigsty Pie

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