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Just to prove I should NEVER go away!!!!

Work was BEDLAM! Although, to be honest we spent most of the morning just catching up on each others gossip. Seems it has ALL been going on while I was away!

Glenn and Alison has a MASSIVE bust up - to the point where Glenn is now no longer going to give her the house (thank GOD). It is now plain that Alison has been having an affair with the Landlord of the Mermaid pub, and there was a huge row when Glenn explained that she would HAVE to work 4 days a week just to keep the house paid for, pay for her shrink and her mobile phone. And that she would then have NO money to go out on!!!! Also turns out that Alison has been BEATING Glenn - less so now than in the past, but he used to come to work battered and brused all the time!

Guess who's gonna be getting a kicking now?!?!

Andrea has had some TERRIBLE news of her own too - it seems the cancer (the reson she had the full hysterectamy) had spread to her pelvic floor - and is still there! However, the doctors seem sure that it should recead on it's own now. She still has to keep going for checks every 3 months.

As for work it self - when I gt there I find out that the mail@********** account has been removed!!!!!! Which means that anything involving the web sites sales and search engine listing details have all GONE!!!!! All because of a cock up some where involving our host and BT. Took hours to fix - but I did it!

And Glenn had Gemma using the "re-list unsold items" section on eay (which I told her to ignor) and as a result, about 30 things we don't have, have been sold!!!! GRRRRR

I'm never going away agin!


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