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YAY! - Again!

Went to see Shrek 2 yesterday! What a funny film! Laughed so hard I almost CRIED! Went with Yorkie, Fran, Simon, Ray, Sarah and Jordan (frans neph). Only Jordan thought it was dull and almost fell asleep (strange child).

After the film we went back to Fran and Simons and watched the Euro Final - I was the only one supporting Greece (well, I do have step-family in Crete) so naturally I was thrilled (and very much alone in that house) when they won! HAHAHA!

Today was pretty good too. Sadly no Andrea (but she's had mum-in-law over this weekend, so I'm not suppriesed), but mystiously, no Glenn either.... maybe he did get away - somewhere.

Gemma spotted Mobsy and Fee walking across the road so we shouted them into the office for a brew and a chin wag - which was fun (and a good excuse to do very little for an hour, well, I did work through my lunch today, so I reccon I deserved a break). Nice little Slag Off of Alison since Mobsy "knows" her, lol

But best of all, when I get to my computer and sift through the people who msn'ed my while I was away - who had left me a message? None other than my long-lost best mate Jacquie!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Now, I am very very lucky in that I have two best mates, Angie (who has an LJ here - Hi Ang) and Jacquie who I went to Uni with and had one or two dodgy adventures with, but I haven't had a peep out of Jacs for months - not since she told me the good news of her expecting her second child. Been very worried about her, but not been able to get through on text and I've lost her home number DOOOOM! So her getting in touch again is the best thing that's happened in AGES!

She's gonna call tonight and catch up. YAY!


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