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As of tonight, me and Yorkie will have been together for a whole 3 years! Seems like no time at all too. Not really doing much to celebrate, what with it being a week day and not having much cash as I have to fix the car and sort out stuff for Fran and Simons EXPENSIVE wedding - just a nice quiet night in the two of us with a bottle of wine and a tasty meal. All very sweet and VERY settled, lol!

I've finally had to bite the bullet and call Dave Cruthers today, in a last ditch attemp to fix those bastard computers at work. I though I had them fixed - but OH NO! Doom and destruction - Gemma's computer is still as good as DEAD! He's got me to try a few last things as he can't get to it until Thursday, but none of it seems to work - grrrrrr

I did have a nice little chat to Lynn though - ie a good slag off of Alison. She seems very much up for the "us girls taking Glenn out for a few drinks" idea that me and Andrea have toyed with..... although maybe I should have run the Lynn part through with Andrea first..... I'll tell her tomorrow.

Poor Andrea seemed totally strung out at work. She's been there an hour sorting out every one elses shit out before she even got chance to get on with her own work, and I get the feeling she didn't have too relaxing a weekend either.

Suprise suprise Glenn was in today. So much for his holiday. And it looks like he'll be in tomorrow too. I did offer to do the delivery and stuff for him, but he insists on coming in. Probabaly just anything to get away from bitch-face. Poor bloke.

Gonna go and chill for a bit. Laters all


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