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I took friday off as a holiday to try and sort out this damned house - how two people can totally fill a 3 bedroom house with tat is beyond me, but Yorkie and I seem to have managed it!

I finally made it habitable towards the back end of Friday afternoon.

Jacs came over part way through Saturday - no David though. She's looking really great though, her "bump" is HUGE (well, it seems huge to me on Jacs tiny frame) but she looks really well. Caitlin is as chatty as ever!

We went to Blockbusters and got a couple of DVDs and did a bit of snack shopping (bang goes the diet for ths week), and sat around chatting and catching up. Felt like we hadn't been apart!

Went to town for a bit on Sunday, had a pub lunch and did a bit of shopping then came back for more movies and food.

She went home this morning, we dropped her at the train station on the way to work, and I miss her already. Even though she was here two nights, it seems like I hardly saw her.

I guess this is what happenes when people have kids, the pressure of being a mum 24/7 kind of stops you from doing the things you used to do all the time and think nothing of. I know she's happy, she loves being a mum, she's great at it and it suits her, but I miss the Jacquie that was my mate, out in the pubs, getting drunk and chatting up the bar staff.

Guess we all have to grow up sometime though. It's ony people like me who fight it off!

It's strange being back in the office on my own again. Andrea was in for the morning, but once she's gone, I was all alone. I used to be alone in theoffice all the time, but i really felt it today. At least It's given me chance to tidy up some of he mess Gemma's left me in - I find out today that more than half the jobs I asked her to do last week haven't been done, which has left we with a whole string of pissed off customers! Not happy about that! Fair enough, people slack off on their last week, but not when it gets a mate into shit!!!

Feel a bit fed up actually. Probably just hormones (my jabs due this week) and an adrenalin come-down from the weekend. I made a post in DA for the first time in ages - they're getting a bit stroppy about people, including the threats starter (me) not posting, but given that I'm sat at computers all day - and the ones at work are giving me hassle - all I wanna do when I come in is write my journal and get as far away from the damn things as possible!

Maybe I'll feel batter later in the week


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