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Road trip!

Hee hee.... went to Kendal today! Me and Andrea - Gemma chose not to go, it being a free listing day on eBay and all. You see, Glenn turned up early this morning - just as I was about to call him, and finally took me up on my offer of taking the stock out to the outlets. So off we went!

Shame it was chucking it down, and I was dressed up smart (light purplr trews and my sexy doll shoes). I was soaked up to the knees before I even got to my car, and haven''t really dried out all day.

Met Roy and Phil - neither looked ANYTHING like we thought! I espected Roy to be small and blond, but he was taller than me (doesn't say much) with dark hair, ginger beared and glasses (sounds like my feller, but my Yorkie is sexy!). I though Phil would be tall, thin and dark, but he's short, not thin, with mousy wavy hair. Dissapointed really! (Sorry guys!)

We hung out there for a bit and went to Lancaster, introduced Andrea to the lads on the Market, had a laugh and went back to the office via Mc Donalds (not strictly part of my diet - ahem).

Ate at the office, then I tooled off to Queen Street shop and Festival market. I managed to miss Alison (phew) SHe's got Glenn to take her home because she was "board" according to Dave. NOT very professional, eh love? *bitch* *slut*

Mr Cruthers came round just before 5 and told us what I suspected about the computers - Gemma's is dead! Needs ANOTHER new hard drive, coz the last one he put in is now broken. He blames Glenn for giving him a shody HD. Sounds like a cop out - but it is believable. My computer has a virus which cannot be killed as of yet.

So basically we're no better

At least the programs he told me to down load have solved the other smaller problems though. Glenn will not be impressed with having to buy another hard drive, but hey, what can you do?

Other news......

Yorkie has been told now that he has been kicked off his college cause. This is A) BAD! The college set him up with the work he is doing, and B) GOOD! because these people we works for love him and should give him the job anyway - they have said so, it's just not in writting yet (possible DOOM!)

Oooh, and I made a tatty banner for the web site promoting our fabulas prices on Trust computer parts, accessories and cameras:


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