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Had quite a busy weekend!

Spent most of Saurday in town, after dropping Yorkie off at work I ordered some flowers to be made up for my Nan (She was 80 on Tuesday) and then went to buy birthday prezies for our nephews - and popped into Lancaster Market to set up the FTP for them. Although, they said they know all about FTP, so why didn't they do it them selves??? Instead of me working on a saturday for nothing!

On Sunday we got up bright and early and headed of to St, Helens to see my Nan. We spent a few hours with her, having a natter and catching up with my Family gossip (I never see any of them thanks to my dad! *Spit*). Turns out Nan became a great grandma 9 months ago. Cousin Anita had a little boy (nice of any one to tell me - DAD!). She liked her flowers and gave me a huge food processor for my birthday O_o

Then we drove down the Sheffield to see Rachel and her lads. Chris was 3 on the 24th last month - but we were at Fran & Simons wedding, so we couldn't make that, and Nick will be 1 on Wednesday, so we had a little celebration. Yorkie and Rachels's mum didn't turn up, one of her new cats is having fits, and there was no sign of their dad either, who only lives round the courner. Neither did their sister Janny show up! But Bob did with his new missus Alex (Bright pink hair! She's great!) Their (now former) step-dad Tony came over though. I like Tony! We stay with him when we visit for a few days. Although, he did say to me again that "Robert" (Brother Bob) was "his". Although no one else seems to know this..... And Bob was 6 when Dad moved out. I think I'd rather not be told!

We got home latish on Sunday and flopped for the rest of the night, before heading back to work work work today......

Oh, but my birthday prez off Yorkie arrived today. I can't have it until my ACTUAL birthday - but it needs testing, you know, make sure everythings ok.... I'll need to leave feedback on eBay after all..... Heehee!


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