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It's funny how good things come out of bad situations, don't you think?

Take this for a perfect example.

On Saturday me and Yorkie were supposed to be going on a nice romantic day out. It didn't happen, he got a call off one of our mates - Simon - to go and halp arrange a stag night for another one of our friends who's getting married in August. I was miffed when I heared him say"Oh, sure, we have nothing planned" but in fall airness, I didn't know why he was going out at the time.

Fran, Simon's wife, asked to speak to me, and talked me into having a night in with her and a bottle of wine while the lads are out. I agreed, but reluctantly. Fran is lovely, but she has a way of making me fell really bad about myself, when she's actually trying to make me feel good about myself. I think her aim is off.....

Saturday night, and the house looks like a bomb has hit it. I ask Yorkie to help me tidy up before he gets ready to go out - which caused a fight, becasue "Tidy" means "move things hout without actually make a difference to the state of the room". If I had said "Clean" then he would have got the hoover out without being a twat about it. But I said "tidy" not knowing these rules, and then made him hoover. Instant fight. Tosser ;-P

Fran only stayed for a couple of hours, having had a hard day and ebing in need of a bath and her bed, so I sat in, watched movies and slowly got myself well and truely hammered.

Midnight came abd went - no sign of Yorkie who swore he would be home by midnight as he had work the next day. I assumed he had gone to the Dark Place, as by coincidence, another long-lost mate was having HIS stag night THAT night.

3 am came and went. Still no boyfriend. OK.... starting to feel a bit pissed off now. Went to bed.

Couldn't sleep - at 7am I gave up trying. Still no sign of him. I got up and got dressed.

Now, things have not been brilliant between us for a while, ok, but not good. And this was the final straw, especially when I finally DID get a phonecall off him about 9.30- 10am asking to be picked up from Andy's house in Morecambe.

I was pissed off with him, and we had a row on the phone - which was made worce by him making me say everything twice, and taking the piss. I slammed the phone down and desided that enough was enough. He didn't love me. He didn't resepect me. Why should I stay in a relationship with some one who thought it was fine to take me for granted that much.

I did go and pick him up - although I amost didn't. He desided it would be best if he came home, as he was still very very drunk.

We had this converstation - I wont go into detail becasue it still upsets me so much - and we cried and talked and appologised, and eventually started to work things out. And then we "made up" for a few hours and fell asleep in each others arms.

When we woke up, he said to me: "Next time I have a day off, let's take a romantic shopping trip" Oh, great, I thought. I bloody HATE shopping! Buying me that new dress I'm after isn't THAT romantic. I made some comment, a grumbling agreement, and he said "No, I ment for an engagement ring"

Now, we're NOT engaged at the moment. He wants to go and see what rings I like, and see how much they cost, and then he'll save up for it. And I'm not saying anything to people (well, I told Andrea, but she can keep a secret, and she knows all the ups and downs we've been having - how could I NOT tell her). And I am worried that he only said it because we'd had such a nasy fight and we'd scared each other and our selves by what we had said. This morning I gave him the option to back out. He said he wouldn't. So I am offically happy. I'm not totally convinced that it will actually happen though. Not until that perfect ring is on my finger.


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