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Been a while

Hey there all. i know it's been a while, but,you know, things to do, people to see.....

I'm not at home today so no pic of me. Instead I have chosen to share this wonderful image with you! You must visit, I love the pics on there, they are so funny, and so cool!

I'm having a bit of a good mood / bad mood day today.

Good news is that I have cash coming in and the business is going to be ok over the summer months - not great, but good enough. I also have my tax back at long long last! And Hobby Games have finally sent some one round to collect the miss sent order I have been charged for (grr) so I should have the money back for that soon too. Even better.

Andrea's got her self a new job. I'm thrilled to bits for her, she's happy now and it's just what she wanted and needed. But I'm gutted too. In a very very selfish way. because now that means she's going in two weeks. And I'll be here at MM 16 hours a week all alone, with out my friend, my commraid, my only peice of sanity in this crazy fucked up office!!! I did really want her to get the job, becuase, like I said, she needed it. She's going ut of her mind here even more than I am, and she needed the money and security of a job that isn't going to evaporate on her. I just wish that I had the same.

AND I'll get no end of shit now off the she-devil when the word gets round. I really can't stand the idea of hearing her slag my mate off for doing what she had to do. I'll want to stand up, slap the silly bitch, shout at her and storm off, but i can't. Not just yet. I can't afford to run the risk of loosing this job before I can stand on my own. I guess I'll have to limit my days to when Daz is here so I do have someone to talk to, but if I'm to do that and avoid "her" it means I have to do two full days, not three short days.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that I win the lotto some time in the next two weeks so i can get out of here when Andrea does.


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